How to Fine Tune your Sales & Marketing Plan | Sales & Marketing Planning Skills
What does this mean? Fine tuning your sales & marketing plan means evaluating its success year on year and making the changes required to...

The Importance of Creating Wants for Clients | Sales Management Training
Quick, write down something tangible you need. Now write down something tangible you want. Put a price tag next to each item. What you...

How to Stay on Track of Your Business | Sales Management | Sales Coaching Training
What does this mean? Staying on track means paying attention to your goals and your plans and making sure that you and your team are...

How to Differentiate Your Service | Sales Management Training
A key to uncovering prospect needs is to clearly differentiate you and your firm’s services from other similar providers in your...

Setting your Sales and Marketing Goals | Goals Planning | Sales Management
What is a goal? A goal is a written statement of intent. It represents an important target that you are aiming for. Your sales and...

How to Design a Winning Proposal | Sales Presentation Skills
What is a proposal? A proposal is your summation of exactly what your client will get for their money. You will usually only prepare a...

Strategic Planning & Marketing Strategy | Sales Management Strategy
I had the challenge of working with a large firm whose growth had flattened out during the preceding three years. (In contrast, in the...

Developing a Marketing Budget | Sales & Marketing Planning Skills
What is a budget? A budget is the amount you estimate spending on your business marketing over a defined period of time. A budget is the...

Planning your Marketing Strategy | Effective Marketing Strategy
What is a strategy? Your strategy is a description of exactly how you plan to achieve each goal you have set. It is your route map to the...

How to Identify Decision Makers | Sales Management Selling Skills
A few years ago, I purchased a toy for my son. I had invested an hour or so trying it out and talking to the clerk at Toys-R-Us and was...

How to Keep Customers Happy | Sales Management Skills
Why is this important? If your customers are happy with you and the services that you provided, they will remain loyal and keep buying...

Visionaries Plan for Sales Success | Effective Sales Planning
Without plans, most individuals and firms fail at marketing before they even begin. Plans provide goals for your growth. Plans provide...

How To Stimulate Wants with Perceived Value | Sales Management Training | Sales Training | Sales Tra
Whenever clients work with professionals, they want the perception that they are getting more than compliance knowledge. Business clients...

How Busy to Grow Your Company | Strategic Marketing Strategy | Sales Training Singapore
Is your company running at capacity? Do you think that what you need is a few more associates with 5 to 10 years’ experience, not more...

How to Motivate your Sales Team | Sales Motivational Training | Sales Motivation
What is a motivated team? This is a team that has the consistent energy, enthusiasm and focus to make things happen. They share a vision...