How to Disqualify Prospects & Clients | Sales Prospecting Skills Training
Ever watch David Letterman dismiss a guest on his show? He simply stands up, looks at the guest in the eye, shakes his hand and says,...

Understanding the Client Needs and Wants | Sales Management Training | Sales Transformation Asia
Step One: Knowing the “Why” and the “How” Is What You Are Trained to Do Before you start any engagement, ask yourself, “Why did they...

How to Reach Out to Decision Makers | Sales Prospecting Skills Training
When making initial contact with the people who make or influence decisions, we have two key tactics to consider before the approach: (1)...

The Art of Listening Skills | Effective Listening Skills
What is Listening? Being listened to is very important to most people. It is a sign of respect and genuine interest. True listening...

Understanding Influencers’ Perceptions and Values | Effective Selling Skills
People make decisions emotionally and justify them with logic. But perceptions drive the emotions. For thousands of years, the perception...

How Uncovering Prospect Problems | Questioning Discoveries Selling Skills | Consultative Selling Ski
In order to sell services, a professional must have a command of all the potential problems of a prospect. Businesses hire professionals...

How to Identify Decision Makers | Sales Management Selling Skills
A few years ago, I purchased a toy for my son. I had invested an hour or so trying it out and talking to the clerk at Toys-R-Us and was...

Understanding Influencer’s Personalities | DISC Selling Skills Set | Sales Training Malaysia
Personality styles have been studied since biblical times. The ancient Greek Hypocrites identified four distinct personalities. Others...

Researching Your Prospects On The Internet | Sales Prospecting Training | Sales Training Hong Kong
One of the most powerful tools to learn about your prospects’ business and industry is the Internet. Before the online information...

How To Qualify a Client with NEAD-PAY | Professional Sales Training | Sales Training Sri Lanka
NEAD-PAY is an acronym (slightly mis-spelled) for a pattern of asking qualifying questions. When you religiously follow this pattern, you...

Best Sales Training Malaysia | Sales Management Strategy | How To Evaluate And Check Out Your Compet
Evaluating your competitors’ propositions is all about studying exactly how they are positioning and presenting themselves. It is about...

Business Sales Coaching Training Program in Malaysia | Business & Sales Coaching | How You Say I
Use words that form bridges, rather than raise barriers. Whether you’re coaching an employee, meeting with the Board of Directors, or...

Excellent Sales Management Training | Sales Management Strategy | How To Build Stronger Relationship
You can build stronger relationships with both your key customers and prospective clients by inviting them to join you for hospitality at...

Sales & Marketing Strategy Training | Best Sales Strategy Training | How To Develop & Delive
What is a communication system? A communication system is a planned series of activities that ensure that you keep in constant...

Sales Prospecting Training | The Importance of Follow-Up Sales Call
Follow-up gives salespeople a way to differentiate themselves that is completely within their control. Follow-up is one of the easiest...