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How to Deliver Powerful Sales Presentations That Can Close Sales

If so, you're not alone. Most people wish they could be sales presenters and better public speakers. Few, however, do anything about it. By attending training, you are taking the first step toward making yourself a more dynamic sales presenter and a more inspiring public speaker.
For a business owner or executive, good presentation skills are a must. Whether you're making a presentation to the board of directors, explaining the marketing plan to your staff or simply presenting your budget to the boss, it's important for you to be able to do so in a professional, convincing manner.
Powerful Presentation Skills has been designed to help you learn how to be a better public speaker and presenter. You will learn everything you need to know from how to adequately prepare for your presentation to what to do after the presentation's over. Additionally, you will learn how to overcome what most people consider to be the biggest hurdle in public speaking fear.
You owe it to yourself and your employer to improve your public speaking and presentation skills. If you do, it is inevitable that you will do better at work.
But there's more! If you're asking yourself, "But what's in it for me?" the answer is "plenty!"
As we had experienced in life, "The highest reward for toil is not what you get from it, but what you become by it." If this is true, then your reward for becoming a more dynamic speaker will not have as much to do with what you get as it will with what you become.
Your life will be enhanced while you strive to improve your ability to make presentations. You will find that some important attitudes and habits will change for the better. They will not lie dormant until the day when you "arrive" at being a good presenter. They will improve as soon as, and as long as you move forward toward your speaking goal. It can change your life!
Look at the categories below and give yourself a score to show how good you consider your skills to be in each area.
Table A: Self-assessment: Structure of the Presentation
Good Fair Poor Bad
Interest to the audience
Presentation of benefits
Positive start
Powerful ending
Good, concrete examples
Balance between theory and reality
Table B: Self-assessment: Stance and Posture
Good Fair Poor Bad
Eye contact with the audience
Personal appearance
Use of the presentation area
Table C: Self-assessment: Visual Aids
Good Fair Poor Bad
Number of slides
Added value
Equipment handling
Imagine, all of our sales staff are under tremendous pressure everyday to outperform the competition. At the same time, they also need to bring back the sales that will increase their bottom line to meet the company objectives. One of their best skill that is required for all sales people to have is the ability to deliver impactful, memorable and highly effective sales presentations to all their potential customers. You need to differentiate you products and services during the presentation so that you can gain the confidence of your potential customers.
The objective of our two-day Sales Presentation skills training is to increase the presentation skills of your sales staff when persuading, educating, or informing any audience.
Specifically, this Sales Presentation skills training focuses on teaching the participants methods of professional business presentation which includes preparation, structure, delivery, strategy, using visual aids, and handling objections, question and answer sessions. Participants will involve in preparing and delivering a real-life business presentation. This approach will allows your sales people to evaluate their actual progress, and at the same time to change any distracting behaviors.
The 3 Essential Ingredients of a Presentation
The Audience
Why are they there?
What do they want from the presentation?
How do they listen? What will they remember?
What will turn them on or off, make them comfortable or uncomfortable?
What language do they speak? How much do they know?
What questions will they ask?
What will they find hard to listen to?
What are their business needs?
How do you find out about them?
Can you analyse their response?
What might make them hostile?
How will you get feedback from them?
YOU – The Presenter
Why are you there?
What do you want to achieve?
What do you look like, what do you sound like?
What will you do about nerves? How will you rehearse?
How will you remember what to say?
What is charisma?
How will you handle questions?
What will you do if they are hostile?
How will you keep your energy up?
If you are being interviewed, how will you handle this?
How will you introduce yourself?
The Presentation Itself
What is it trying to achieve?
What is it about?
What are its limits?
What visuals or handouts will be needed, and what technology is available?
How long should it be?
Will it need following up?
How will the information it contains be remembered?
Which parts will be difficult or hard to understand?
How will the script be prepared?
What about the location and staging?
Each of these three ingredients is vital to a successful presentation – like a three-legged stool, when all the legs are there it is stable, but remove or shorten one of them and the whole thing collapses. No matter how well- constructed the presentation is, if it is badly delivered it will fail; no matter how well-delivered the presentation is, if it doesn’t make sense then it will fail. Most importantly of all, even if the presentation is perfect and the presenter inspired and charismatic, if the audience isn’t interested or engaged, then the presentation will certainly fail.
All these factors and many more will be covered in our training. By the end you will have a tool kit for success, and presenting will never be the same.
Featured Sales Articles
Sales Presentation Articles
Target Audience
Those who are new to negotiating or had no previous sales negotiating skills training.
It is also for businesses and individuals who want to learn to sales negotiation skills more effectively and maintain a strong ongoing relationship with the customers.
Anyone who has to conduct negotiations will benefit from attending.
Although the course is principally designed for salespeople, sales managers and key account executives, it is equally suitable for any other executives or management (e.g. accountants) who are involved in business negotiating.
In our Sales Presentation skills training, your sales team will learn how to:
Present your business and technical information in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner.
Know how to start – and finish a sales presentation with a proper structure that persuades.
Ensure your salespeople feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group of senior level management staff.
Engage and persuade their audience at all levels including executives, end users, entrepreneurs, technical people and management staff.
Tailor make your sales presentation to the customer.
Persuade a prospect with clarity of your business message.
Use effective questions to navigate your sales presentation on the fly.
Structure an effective sales presentation to gain maximum effect and to overcome negative or distracting mannerisms.
Enhance voice projection, articulation, pacing, fluency, body language, eye contact and gesturing.
Interact and engage with your audience, handle tough objections, and get result.
Have more confidence and control of sales conversations through professional and dynamic delivery skills.

+603-8314 3388
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+603 8011 8859

Regional Office, Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
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