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Transform your organization to stand out with your Exceptional Customer Service.

So, what makes the difference?
As we are aware, the importance of providing exceptional customer service is a solid business decision with lasting results. Here’s what we have discovered: When customers are pleased with your service, they’re most likely to spend about 20% more on your product or service plus call again. But if they think they received a bad service and haven’t been treated right? More than 90% of the customers (according to a study by Technical Assistance Research Programs) will never consider buying from you again, even if you offer your customer exactly what they’re looking for.
Usually, most of the company will have a good customer relationship, but a forward looking company will always be asking “What it takes to provide an exceptional customer service?”. If you are constantly looking for ways to improve your customer service, you will make every effort to connect with the customers so that exceptional customer service will be provided at the highest level.
Who should attend?
Managers, Supervisors, Customer service representatives, technical and support personnel, field service representatives, account managers, credit and billing specialists, small business owners—as well as managers who want exceptional customer service training in order to reinforce their skills and train their staffs.
To learn how to transform your organization to stand out with your Exceptional Customer Service, please give us a call on 03 8011 8859 or send us a message
Exceptional Customer Service Experience
Exceptional Customer Service transformation efforts are often are often impeded by employees who are resistance to change. Organization must shift the way their employees think and act in order to become more customer-centric.
Sales Transformation Asia offers training workshop that provides employees, from junior to senior staff with the skills, knowledge and mindset to become more customer-centric for their organization.
With learning edge and interactive training techniques, this will help larger organization to become more customer-centric.
Exceptional Customer Service is
A Direct Link to Profit or Loss.
The importance of 5 Tenets of Service.
Do you have them?
How to Turn Complaints Into Cash
Why you want more complaints?
Exceptional service will create exceptional customers.
The research shows that estimated 70% of lost customers don’t return because of bad service. Every company will give your employees the right skills they need to not just satisfy new customers, but to keep them coming back for more and more business.
It’s easy to schedule.
Our exceptional customer service training offer one-day or two-day training options. Training delivery may be divided up in a number of different formats to maximize the benefits for your organization.
Come and learn “How to Grow Exceptional Sales Revenue through Exceptional Customer Service”.
Do you know whose job it is when it comes to
Exceptional Customer Service?
Exceptional Customer Service
is not a special department or division job.
It is Everyone’s JOB!!!
Sales Transformation Asia believes that Customer Service is fundamental to every business. As the customer landscape changes and the expectation is high, our focus on exceptional customer service training is relevant, practical and effective together with continual improvement. Today, exceptional customer service is a profession that can make an immediate impact and tangible difference.

This workshop focus on exceptional customer service training, and were created to help develop a dedicated mindset to delivering exceptional customer service to both external and internal customers.
Exceptional Customer Service Training for companies who want to create a long lasting service culture that builds loyal relationships with their customers, improve communications and a better environment for their employees.
Some of the benefits include of our exceptional customer service training:
Satisfied customers are converted to loyal customers.
Focusing on exceptional customer service and success
How exceptional customer service creates better revenue
Exceptional customer service can lead to more sales from existing customers.
Your customers become advocates, creating word of mouth advertising.
An exceptional customer service company will reduced employee turnover.
Exceptional Customer service definitely will increase sales revenue.
Why is it customer service satisfaction is based on perceptions
Focusing on customers’ top two expectations to save time, money, energy and reduce stress
And, much more.
Providing exceptional customer service that make your customers coming back for more business.
Exceptional Customer service will definitely give you the competitive advantage you need to survive in a tough and uncertain business climate. In today’s highly competitive business customer-oriented environment, "people skills" are one of the most important personal and organizational success. How you take care of your customers can directly or indirectly affect your individual goals as well as your entire company’s performance. This exceptional customer service training workshop on providing exceptional customer service gives you the right skills you need to communicate professionalism, gain respect, enhance customer relationships and secure an overall competitive advantage through exceptional customer service.
This exceptional customer service training program covers:
How to deliver better, faster, exceptional service that can increase customer satisfaction and create customer loyalty.
Learn how to gain repeat business and more referrals customers
Attitude of Exceptional service excellence
Your organization’s initiative and vision that links to exceptional customer service
How to identify customer needs and know what customers expect
Increase your company credibility with your customers—and your value to your organization
How to have a thoughtful body language
How to manage difficult and stressful situations more effectively
How to recognize the customer unhappiness—and how to have the right approach to respond appropriately
How to assist in quickly finding a workable solution to your customer’s problem
How to have the right tone of voice
How to choose the positive choice of words
How to say “No” to your customers
How to handling complaints and angry customers
How to have a good service recovery
How to exceed customer expectations
How to deal with difficult and tough customers
How to respond effectively to specific customer behaviors
Featured Sales Articles
Customer Service Articles
Below are the highlights essential to exceptional customer service to maintain happy and loyal customers, and also clients who will never leave you for the competition:-
How to Distinguish Your Business
Exceptional Customer Service is one of the best ways to distinguish your company from your competition.
How Customers Allow Your Business to Exist
Without customer feedback and appreciation, you cannot provide exceptional customer service.
The Psychology of Your Company
Exceptional customer service starts from the top down – it trickles down from management, leadership, vision, core values and mission to culture, procedures initiatives and empowerment of employees.
The Psychology of Your Customers
You need the knowledge and understanding of your customer’s psychology in order to provide them with exceptional customer service.
The Psychology of You
Your psychology will determine your ability to deliver exceptional customer service.
Asking Intelligent Questions
Asking intelligent questions will lay the foundation for your interaction with the customer.
How to Listen Intently
The importance of effective listening that will engage your customers, and actively listen to what your customers are communicating.
The Verbal and Non-verbal Cues With Your Customer
This module covers what to look for with verbal and nonverbal cues to deliver exceptional customer service.
How to Reassure the Customer
This section will covers how to reassure the customer that you really make effort taking exceptional care of your customer.
How to Respond Quickly to Your Customer
You will learn the importance of speed in responding to your customer needs.
How to Respond Positively
Here you will learn about the importance of positive communication and how to apply it to your exceptional customer service skills.
How to Put Yourself in Your Customer’s Shoes
You will discover how to trade places with your customer in making decisions that will impact the quality of your interaction with them.
How to Recall a Similar Situation
You will discover how to relate and communicate with your customer, and how to build rapport and relationship with your customers.
How to Show Genuine Concern
You will learn the techniques on how to create loyal customers through showing genuine concern for their needs and challenges.
How to Repeat the Request
This section covers the importance steps necessary to make sure your customer’s needs are being addressed and solved in order to win over them.
How to Confirm the Customer’s Desired Outcome
This section will help you learn the right skills to make sure you are providing exceptional customer service by catering to the customer’s requirements.
How to Repeat the Solution
This section will ensure that you are there to resolve the customer’s actual issues, problem, challenge or desire.
Expert Delivery
In this section you will discover the importance how to provide practical solutions that exceed your customers’ expectations.
The Importance of Follow Up
In this section you will learn the importance of follow up in building a loyal customer base that will never leave you for the competition.
How to Anticipate Customer Needs
In this section you will learn how to impress your customers by providing services that they may not have time to think about it or even thought of yet.
How to Evaluate Customer Experience
Evaluate the customer’s experience and look for ways how to improve the service you provide to them.

+603-8314 3388
Over the phone or online

+603 8011 8859

Regional Office, Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
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