Customer Service Training Program | Observe Customers

Observe to serve and thus reserve your best for each customer.
By observing we learn what is going on and become sensitive to the nuances of customer behavior. This enables us to choose the appropriate moment to connect with them.
Human beings are very complex and emit a wide range of signals, often contradictory. These signals come in the form of basic behavior, body language, words used, tone of voice, facial expressions, general demeanor, and other patterns of movement. Unless we observe these signals and learn what they mean, there is a risk that we will misinterpret them or even ignore them. Poor observation will lead to clumsy interventions or a failure to intervene when required.
Skilled observation of customers requires immense reserves of energy. It is difficult. Our concentration can easily be lost and we can become distracted by the simple things that we would rather do.
Carrying out a task often seems preferable to what many think is doing nothing: standing around and seeing what is going on.
Observing customers is far from doing nothing. By astute observation we apply effort to studying customers and determining their needs.
Rather than remaining passive and waiting for a customer to ask us for something, through observation we can be proactive and get to customers before they get to (or get at) us.
Here are some useful observations:
Observe the way customers talk to each other. You can pick up clues about when to intervene.
Observe the way customers walk through your premises, what they look at and what they don’t look at. This will give you an indication of what they are interested in and enable you to make a connection in conversation.
Observe the way customers behave when sitting down with you: what they do with their hands (are they fidgeting?), what they do with their arms (are these crossed because they feel defensive?), what they do with their legs and feet (are they tapping their toes because they are bored?). All these will create useful signposts for your behavior with customers and your response to them.
Observe customers’ eyes. These tell you a lot. Are their eyes on your face or over your shoulder?
Observe what customers’ children are doing. Often parents fail to observe and you can provide assistance by praising kids or preventing them from getting hurt.
Observe any queues that form and use additional energy to manage the queue by signaling to people that you will do your best to be with them soon. Even one little nod on your part is sufficient to establish the relationship and keep the customer there (as opposed to having the customer walk out).
Observe each customer’s demeanor. Do they appear to be rushed? Do they seem to be interested? Do they appear simply to be browsing? Every piece of behavior will give you a clue to what to do next (if action is required) to meet that customer’s need.
Observe what the customer buys and the degree of interest taken in each purchase. These signals provide you with opportunities to make suggestions and help the customer.
There is always an appropriate moment for connecting with a customer, for saying something. Determining that moment is a fine art, however. Those who are less skilled rush in and approach customers too early, thus alienating them, while others leave it too late and annoy customers just as much. By observing customers and learning about their behavior, you can work out the best time to respond to their needs, to initiate contact, and in this way you can do your best for them.
To create a buzz you must be sensitive to what is going on around you. In this way you tune in to customers, to their emotions, their needs, and their requirements. To do so you must observe them.
Visit the front line with a colleague and observe your customers. Study their behavior carefully and discuss what you find.
The more you observe what your customers are doing, the greater your opportunity to create a buzz.