The Importance of Having a Lost-Sale Strategy | Sales Management Training | Sales Leadership Training

As I mentioned earlier, even the best salespeople can lose business: sales are not closed, customers decide to use a new supplier, businesses no longer need our products or services, or any number of other valid rea- sons. You cannot sell to everyone, and you cannot keep customers for life. It is a myth, no matter what you may have heard or read. The key is not to lose them because of poor performance, poor quality, poor service, or poor sales skills.
Regardless of the reason behind lost business, knowing how to handle such episodes will be a key factor in your success. Here are a few suggestions to use when you lose a sale:
Thank them for their time by following up with a thank-you note or letter.
Follow up with an after-sales critique or evaluation.
Follow up with additional sources of proof— testimonials, articles, etc.
Accept the fact that things, people, and businesses change.
Find out what your competitor did better than you to get the business.
Don’t let it negatively affect your attitude. Keep at it.
Remember: Staying power over the long haul is much more beneficial than quick short-term success.
Turn It Around
Know how to save lost sales before they are lost.