The Art of Listening Skills | Effective Listening Skills
What is Listening? Being listened to is very important to most people. It is a sign of respect and genuine interest. True listening...

Keys to Better Listening for Wants | Effective Listening Skills Training
As already mentioned, listening is more important than asking questions, and asking questions is more important than talking. Yet there...

Listening Is Key to Creating Wants | Listening Skills Training | Customer Service Skills
Almost every book on selling has a chapter on asking questions. Marketing and sales trainers encourage you to ask, “Open-ended...

How to Maintain Awareness and Learning from Experience | Asia's Leading Sales Training
What does this mean? Maintaining awareness is about keeping your eyes and ears open and knowing what is going on in your business. It is...

How to Make an Appointment | Telesales Selling Skills Training
Why are Appointments important? Sales appointments are your opportunity to get in front of your potential customers face to face and...

How to Keep Customers Happy | Sales Management Skills
Why is this important? If your customers are happy with you and the services that you provided, they will remain loyal and keep buying...

The Importance of Active Listening | Effective Listening Skills Training | Sales Training Philippine
Active listening means showing the person who is speaking to you that he or she has your full attention. Remove Distractions In order to...

Dealing Positively with Customer Complaints | Customer Sales Service Training | Customer Service Tra
What is a complaint? A complaint is an expression of customer dissatisfaction. It can be easy to drive customers away if their complaints...

How to Do a Cold Call | Telesales Sales Training | Sales Prospecting Training
Making direct contact with your prospects by telephone can be a good way to research sales opportunities and set up sales appointments....

Excellent Customer Service | Show You Care
Care is the essence of all relationships with customers. Convince customers that you care for them by demonstrating care. Nothing...

Customer Service Excellence Training | Say Something (Create Small Talk)
Initiate the relationship with ten words. Choose something to say. If you can’t find ten words for a customer, that customer won’t come...

Improve Your Customer Service | Practice Good Manners
Ensure that the manner in which you serve a customer is good. “Teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs” is not exactly good manners....

Customer Care Service Training | Personalize Interactions
Add a personal note to every interaction with a customer. Too much customer service is impersonal. The standard letter issued by a...

Customer Service Training Program | Observe Customers
Observe to serve and thus reserve your best for each customer. By observing we learn what is going on and become sensitive to the nuances...

Good Customer Service Skills | Minimize Wait Times
Why make customers wait when most businesses are just waiting to steal your customers? If you see customers waiting today, drop...