Spending Time With Prospects For More Business & Referrals | Key Account Management Training | HRDC Claimable

It is impossible to sell every possible prospect. Poor salespeople have the philosophy, “If they will see me, I will see them.” Successful salespeople know that some prospects are better prospects than others. They also know that every customer is also a prospect for additional business or referrals. They use a customer profile as a template for determining who is worthy of their time. They use this system to deter- mine who is the best-qualified prospect for them to see now.
Poor salespeople try to turn poor prospects into customers. The professionals don’t have time for this kind of activity. They want to spend their limited selling time with only well-qualified prospects.
How do you know if you are wasting time on poor prospects? Ask yourself:
Is the sales process taking longer than usual with this prospect?
Do they tend to give me the run-around?
Is there no sense of urgency with this prospect?
Do they fail to return calls or respond to my initiatives?
Am I applying too much pressure to get this sale closed?
Does this prospect trust me?
Do I know their dominant emotional buying motives?
Am I trying to make my timetable their timetable?
There are only two reasons to spend time, resources, and energy on poor prospects:
You have nothing else to do.
You are failing.
And neither of these will contribute to increased sales or success.
Turn It Around
Use a prospect profile to decide who is worthy of your time.