The Importance Of Knowing When To Sell & When To Negotiate | Consultative Selling Skills | Negotiation Skills Training Malaysia

Effective negotiating is not a substitute for effective selling skills. Many salespeople believe that they need to be better negotiators, when what they really need is improved sales skills. Let’s define the requirements for effective and successful selling:
Maintaining a positive outlook and an enthusiastic and passionate demeanor.
Finding and identifying good prospects (those who have a need, desire, and sense of urgency for a solution to a problem that your product or service will give them)
Positioning your product or service in the mind of the prospect as the best possible solution for their available resources
Presenting the characteristics (features and customer benefits) of your product or service to the prospect in such a way that they easily see how these solutions will be achieved
Disarming any unspoken sales objections during this process and then asking for the business
Servicing your clients to ensure repeat and refer- ral business, as well as customer satisfaction
Maintaining effective and accurate sales records
Let’s define negotiating. Negotiating begins where selling leaves off. It is finding those areas between the customer and the salesperson where there are differences or a need for compromise in these areas:
Features—what they can or cannot live without
Delivery terms—what they need and what you can give them
Financial terms—again, what they need and what you can allow
Negotiating is finding a way to reach a meeting point or common ground where you and your prospect can agree with each other’s circumstances and still have a win-win relationship.
Turn It Around
Know when to sell and when to negotiate.