It’s Better to Sell The Pain than The Gain | Effective Selling Skills
What is your prospect’s pain? People buy to fulfil outcomes and to solve problems with solutions. People who are in the market for certain...

How to Disqualify Prospects & Clients | Sales Prospecting Skills Training
Ever watch David Letterman dismiss a guest on his show? He simply stands up, looks at the guest in the eye, shakes his hand and says,...

How to Reach Out to Decision Makers | Sales Prospecting Skills Training
When making initial contact with the people who make or influence decisions, we have two key tactics to consider before the approach: (1)...

Planning Sales Call Improves Success | Effective Sales Planning Training
Different decision influencers need to be approached in different ways. Forgetting to plan the objective of each sales contact or setting...

Strategic Planning & Marketing Strategy | Sales Management Strategy
I had the challenge of working with a large firm whose growth had flattened out during the preceding three years. (In contrast, in the...

How to Develop Your Marketing Skills | Sales & Marketing Training
Everywhere I go, professionals ask, “Why should we market now? We have more business coming in the door than we can handle. Our phone is...

How Trade Shows Can Create Good Leads | Sales Prospecting Skills
Willie Sutton had the right idea. Asked why he robbed banks, the infamous bandit replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”...

How to Make an Appointment | Telesales Selling Skills Training
Why are Appointments important? Sales appointments are your opportunity to get in front of your potential customers face to face and...

How to Find Wealthy Prospects | Sales Prospecting Training
Texans call people who live the life of the rich and famous, without real wealth, “big hat, no cattle.” Take notice of the people with...

How To Build Relationship With Customers | Building Relationship Skills | Sales Training Asia
Crafting a message that will appeal to your best prospects’ emotional interests will stimulate interest in your services. Every day,...

How to Do a Cold Call | Telesales Sales Training | Sales Prospecting Training
Making direct contact with your prospects by telephone can be a good way to research sales opportunities and set up sales appointments....

Best Sales Training Malaysia | Sales Management Strategy | How To Evaluate And Check Out Your Compet
Evaluating your competitors’ propositions is all about studying exactly how they are positioning and presenting themselves. It is about...

Business Sales Coaching Training Program in Malaysia | Business & Sales Coaching | How You Say I
Use words that form bridges, rather than raise barriers. Whether you’re coaching an employee, meeting with the Board of Directors, or...

Sales & Marketing Training Program | Sales Training & Marketing Program| How To Publish Case
What is a case study? A case study is a description of a piece of business you have carried out for one of your customers. It is a...

Excellent Sales Management Training | Sales Management Strategy | How To Build Stronger Relationship
You can build stronger relationships with both your key customers and prospective clients by inviting them to join you for hospitality at...