How to Improve Your Presentation Versatility | Virtual Sales Presentation Skills Training

Novice professionals develop only one method for presenting because it is the method they are most comfortable using. However, consider this question: To persuade a buyer, should you use a method of communication that he is most comfortable hearing or should you use a method you are most comfortable using?
You will be most effective using a method with which both you and the buyer are comfortable. If you are left-brained, linear thinking, and logical, you will have difficulty with harsh, table pounding, emotional presentations. But it can be very effective to be more versatile with your presentation styles.
Different people respond differently to the same demonstration. The following five approaches can be combined to match your style with the styles of your prospects.
Enthusiasm is a powerful form of influence because it tends to be contagious. Your prospects get excited when you infect them with your enthusiasm. How many times have you felt low and had someone inject a bubbling personality into your day? It lifted your spirits, didn’t it? Prospects are more inclined to buy when they are in a good mood. Enthusiasm is effective with most people.
Sending a consistent message is best achieved when your words, tempo, gestures, and body language send the same message. When you describe your firm’s aggressive approach to client service, do you talk in a matter-of-fact fashion or do you lean into the conversation? When you verbally speak “yes,” so should your body language.
If your client is the logical, pragmatic type, you will be most effective talking about practical issues. Talk about cost effectiveness, delivery schedules, and sequential implementation. Make your points so they follow a logical train of thought that satisfies your prospect’s needs and wants.
When talking, do you use words that have a negative or positive connotation? For example, when describing your competitors you might want to describe them as a cheap alternative. But, when describing your services you would say, “we pride ourselves in being cost effective.” Words and phrases have the ability to depress or excite your prospect. Stay away from negative words like busy, cost, problems, objections, and no. Use power words like opportunity, investment, challenges, concerns, and yes.
Word Pictures
Most people think in pictures. The most effective presenters use many word pictures to convey and color meaning. For example, when describing your responsiveness, you could say, “faster than a speeding bullet.” This connotes your speed with a word picture. The more you can use illustrations so that your prospect can draw a picture in his mind, the more effective a presenter you will be.