Why Salespeople Don’t Ask For Business After The Sales Presentation | High Impact Sales Presentation Training | HRDF Claimable Malaysia

A number of years ago, Sales and Marketing magazine did a survey. Their research indicated that 60 percent of the time in a sales-closing situation, the salesperson failed to ask for the order.
People want to buy things, but often they don’t want to make the decision to buy things. Why? They want a better life, a more successful business, or happier relationships, but they don’t want to commit the money, time, or energy that will give them these things.
Consider this: during every sales presentation, a sale is closed. Either you sell your product or service to the prospect or they sell you on why they don’t need it, can’t afford it, or don’t need it now.
Why don’t salespeople — after going through all the time, energy, and effort to present their product or service — ask for the business?
I have discovered that there are five main reasons:
They fear a “no” or rejection.
They feel that if they have done a good job presenting the product or service, the prospect will buy.
They don’t know how to close the sale.
They don’t have a closing strategy.
They never got control of the sales process from the beginning and they don’t know how to get it at the end.
Turn It Around
Ask for the order.