How Should a Professional Salesperson Look Like? | Sales Skills

What is it in the outward appearance of a person who is selling to you that gives you a feeling of confidence and trust? I am sure you will say that there is no absolute rule, and I agree. So let’s go to the principle rather than the specific.
Professional salespeople should look the part, and by looking the part they should conform to their industry type. If you are in the financial sector your appearance should, of course, be of a conservative nature yet, at the same time, project an image of success. The clothes should be smart, you should look well groomed and you should pay particular attention to shoes. If, however, you were involved in the agricultural industry, selling to farmers, or suppliers, your appearance would, of course, need to be completely different.
There are always exceptions and I am sure you will be able to point to at least one person who breaks these principles and yet is a star performer. But never base your future, your income and your success on the exception to the rule.
If you want to be a true professional make sure that you look good, and always give the impression of success. People would rather do business with a success than a failure, a drop-out or a has-been. I continually preach that the greatest investment anyone can make is in oneself, but much more about that later. In my personal development courses I encourage people to dress for the job they want, not for the job they’ve got.
You should apply the same principle to anything that you as the seller might present to a customer. Sales aids, brochures and presentation files must all have a professional image. It is up to you to replace them when they start to become obsolete or out-dated. A lot of buying is based upon gut feelings, emotion and first impressions. In selling, the old cliché that it is the first impression that really counts, really counts.