How to Maintain Awareness and Learning from Experience | Asia's Leading Sales Training

What does this mean?
Maintaining awareness is about keeping your eyes and ears open and knowing what is going on in your business. It is about being open to feedback, being able to take a step back from time to time and see what is happening. It is about recognising what is needed to move forward. Learning from experience will allow you to stop doing things that are obviously not working quickly and easily.
Why is it important?
Maintaining awareness is vital to the ongoing success of your business marketing. Continuous learning allows you and your business to grow. In a world that is continually changing and with greater and greater pressure to be better, faster and slicker, if you are not learning and moving with the times, you will soon get left behind. Your eyes and ears must be open and alert; you cannot afford to assume anything will continue in the same way indefinitely.
Your challenge
From experience I know that it can be easy to get so close to your business and so involved in the day-to-day pressures that it can be hard to take that important step back and evaluate what is going on. Time seems to fly by and before you know it another year has passed by. If you don’t stop and give yourself time to think, you run the danger of your business running you. Great marketing takes great thinking, and you can’t do that on the run from one thing to another and back again. Don’t get stuck in the loop of repeatedly talking about what you don’t want to happen whilst continuing in the same old ways.
Remember the definition of madness: “Doing the same thing whilst wanting a different result”
Change happens when you take action to get what you want. This may mean that you have to shake off the old habits and create some new ones. You will need habits that can support you in getting the fulfilling business life and results you deserve.
How to Maintain Awareness?
Everything you do you can learn from. What works and what doesn’t are the two questions that you need to keep asking yourself and your team. Keep your senses alive and see your marketing activities through your customers’ eyes as well as your own. Listen to the feedback you are getting. Notice the way the people who matter to you and your business are responding to everything that you do. Stay sharp and alert. Do not allow yourself to return to old habits and comfortable familiar routines.
What can I learn from my experiences today?
What am I more aware of now that I wasn’t before?
What do I really want to change?
What am I doing about it?
What is my evidence that things are changing?
What is good about what is happening?
Keep questioning yourself. The right questions will stimulate your mind and ensure that you train your brain to look for the answers you need to move forward. Stay alert and feed your mind with what it needs to succeed.
Think be aware and keep your senses alive!