How Training Produce Results | Sales Training Malaysia

Great advances have occurred in the professional training programs available today. Firms want a bigger payback from their investment in training. Accountants and attorneys are looking for courses that are satisfying, challenging, and re- warding. They want practical, exciting ideas for gaining efficiency and increasing their value to clients and prospects.
How to make training in technical areas work for you more generally will be addressed in the next strategy. Marketing and sales training has some obvious paybacks, starting with more business and the ability to select the kinds of clients you want for your firm.
Microsoft and others repeatedly have shown that a dollar invested in training returns 15 to 30 times the investment. Yet many firms say, “I don’t want to invest in training and then have people leave.” But the more relevant question is, “Would you rather not invest in training and have your nontrained people stay?”
How to Make Training Work
Even the finest training will not succeed without three keys. The first key is top management’s support. Top management must not only agree to the training, but they must also become strong adherents of developing new habits. To improve marketing and client relations, partners need to tell staff members, “We have been training you technically for years, but to advance further, let’s work together to develop skills and habits that will hone your competitive edge.”
The next important key is follow-up commitment by the firm and staff members to rise to the challenge of developing new habits. For example, we have added a self-directed 12-week follow-up program to many of our training courses. Firms need to hold follow-up marketing meetings, brown bag lunches, or periodic role-playing exercises to build new skills.
Third, commit yourself and your partners to train constantly in areas of client needs. Many professionals design their training classes around a good location or an interesting intellectual subject. These criteria should take a back seat to impact training.
The most successful professionals and firms are those that commit to excellence in training.