How To Help Your Customers To Be Resourceful | Sales Strategy

In a highly competitive international business climate, it is essential that salespeople become even more creative in finding ways to service their clients. One principle to keep in mind is that it is easier, less stressful, less time- consuming, and less expensive to do more business with a present client than it is to keep looking for new clients.
One of the best ways I have discovered to reduce client turnover and generate repeat business, referrals, and the opportunity to use the client as a reference is to be a better resource for your client. A newsletter is one example of a resource that clients might appreciate.
Here’s another: recently I have sent three articles to other authors on a variety of topics that I thought would interest them. My cost: around 50 cents per mailing. The return: additional business, referrals, and references.
Find ways to be a better resource for your customers and watch your business grow. Here are some examples to get you started:
Send articles that you think will interest your client.
Send books and videos that will contribute to their knowledge.
Conduct training seminars for their employees.
Keep them abreast of industry trends, forecasts, and competitive information.
Bring them business.
Give them a subscription to a publication in an area that interests them.
Provide your home and mobile telephone numbers.
Be willing to go the extra mile. Promise a lot and deliver more.
Send special greeting cards for birthdays, business anniversaries, or other notable days.
Share any information with your customers that will contribute to their success.
Turn It Around
Be a business resource for all of your customers.