How to Create a Sense of Urgency in Selling | Professional Selling Skills Training

One of the critical factors in a successful sales outcome is the sense of urgency a prospect brings to the sales process. A question I have been asked many times in my sales seminars is: can you create a sense of urgency? Yes, but it takes skill, effective communication ability, that right attitude, product knowledge, and confidence.
What is a sense of urgency? Let’s say you discover, for example, that your prospect’s primary supplier is back-ordered and they needed the supplies yesterday.
Urgency means the prospect needs a solution, answer, product, or service now. Price is not the issue; detail is not the issue. Your ability to deliver according to their needs or expectations is the only issue. Why do many salespeople spend literally hours every week in front of prospects that have no sense of urgency? Yes, you have to spend some time with them to determine if there is a sense of urgency, but once you discover there isn’t, or you can’t create it, move on to the next prospect—the sooner the better.
How can you create a sense of urgency? By focusing on the critical business factors, weaknesses, problems, and needs, and showing the prospect how waiting will cost him more than he is going to want to pay. Let’s look back at the above example. Assume that the cur- rent supplier is not back-ordered with the products your prospect needs. Here are a couple of questions to ask your prospect:
What would happen if your current supplier couldn’t deliver?
Do you have a secondary source of supply should your current supplier let you down?
Turn It Around
Learn the prospect’s dominant emotional buying motive.