How to Do a Cold Call | Telesales Sales Training | Sales Prospecting Training

Making direct contact with your prospects by telephone can be a good way to research sales opportunities and set up sales appointments.
Many people have a fear of cold calling and this can get in the way of using this potentially powerful way of generating good sales leads.
Make a cold call warmer
It can make it a lot easier to open a new telephone call when you are following up a letter or email of introduction.
What do you want to achieve?
To start with it is much more useful to think about these calls as research as opposed to cold calls. The word ‘cold’ infers that the person you are calling is likely to be cold with you. Not a pleasant thought! What you are doing is using the telephone contact as a way of finding out if there is someone who has a problem or requirement that potentially could be solved by your service. You will not be using the telephone for any more than setting up a face-to-face or telephone appointment with a decision maker. Not thinking that you have to sell something that can take the pressure off and make opening a call much easier.
Get the name of the decision maker
It is important to find out in advance who the right person to speak to is. You can do that very easily by making a separate call to the organisation and asking very politely if the reception team or department member can help you. Be very clear what the responsibilities are of the person’s name you want. Give a good reason for asking for the person’s name. Once you have the correct name and title of the person you can make your call on a separate occasion.
Opening the call from your prospect’s point of view
Imagine that you are standing in your target prospect’s shoes for a moment and living a typical day in their busy business life. Most people are distracted when their phone rings, their mind is on other things. You will need to show that you understand their position and can provide a good reason for them to listen.
Find out if you have a business prospect
Create the opportunity to ask a couple of quick questions to establish if the person you have called is, in fact, a prospect. What you ask will depend on the business you are in and what you need to know about the person on the end of the phone to establish whether or not they are qualify as a prospect. Choose your questions wisely and find out as quickly as you can if they have potential.
You may need to ask the person if they currently use x product or service. If so, do they have anything that they need at the moment. Are they looking for any of the solutions you have or are they experiencing any of the challenges you have describe?
You may need to find out the process they go through to choose suppliers and whether they are open to meeting with you at some stage. You will need to close the call by arranging the appropriate follow up activity.
The result of the call may be:
an appointment
another opportunity for a longer telephone consultation
a note on your CRM system to call back at some stage in the future when a demand is more likely to exist
no we are not prospects.
Then thank the person for their time and their information and confirm any follow up you have arranged by email.
Use the basic structure of the call as outlined in this section and consider how you could adapt it to suit your products and services. Try it and monitor what works and what doesn’t.