Understanding the Client Needs and Wants | Sales Management Training | Sales Transformation Asia

Step One: Knowing the “Why” and the “How” Is What You Are Trained to Do
Before you start any engagement, ask yourself, “Why did they really come to me?” Exposing the client’s “why” behind your solution is how you build a client’s transactional needs into high impact wants.
There is a difference between preparing an audit and preparing that same audit with a strategic planning offer letter attached based on an analysis of the audit results for the client. The audit shows where the business is today, while the letter offers a vision for the future. It highlights the needs of the company for the management team, and it helps the client focus on their wants and creates an opportunity to realize a greater return on your investment of wisdom and time.
Management guru Steven Covey tells us to “begin with the end in mind.” We want our clients to understand what it is they really want when they come to us with a “simple need.” Remember: your clients want you to help them meet their needs. They come prepared to tell you what they want. Are you really listening to your clients?
Step Two: Add Two Emotionally Driven Ego Questions
Asking “Why do you want this?” or “What is the worst that can happen if you don’t do this?” help the client to build a deeper personal understanding of the value you bring to the process.
Understanding the prospects’ or clients’ needs and wants helps them better understand the value of your services. When you give your client what they really want, they will want more in the future. In the end, isn’t this what we want, too?