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5 Ways To Regain Your Past Clients | Sales Management | Sales Leadership

5 Ways To Regain Your Past Clients | Sales Management | Sales Leadership

Lost business is not necessarily lost forever. Many salespeople neglect this lucrative source of new business. I say new because if you treat these past customers as new prospects, you may just regain their business. There are a number of reasons why customers leave you. Some of them are:

  1. They were wooed away by a competitor promising better prices, better service, or some other benefit.

  2. Their organization has changed, and new management is not aware of the strengths of your services or products because this information was not passed on to them by their predecessors.

  3. You or your organization failed to deliver as promised.

  4. You or your organization let trust and/or respect erode in the relationship.

  5. There is some hidden reason, such as they have a relative in the business that they deal with now, have lost buying authority, or are leaving their organization for another position.

There are others, but these are some of the ones you can control.

What can you do to regain this business?

  1. First, you must learn the real reason why the customer left.

  2. You have to be willing to begin again.

  3. You need to work as hard to keep the business as you did to get it.

  4. You must reassess where you went wrong. Was it an issue of price, service, quality, distribution, arrogance, ignorance, or interest in keeping the business, or was it some other major or minor mistake?

  5. You must keep in touch with previous customers.

Turn It Around

Stay in touch with previous customers.


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