How To Handle Difficult Times? | Sales Management

When things are going well, life and business are very easy to cope with. It’s when things aren’t going so well that the positive person must fall back on a philosophy that gets him or her back on line. If you are ever experiencing a lack of confidence and your attitude has become negative, this is often brought on because of expectations that don’t materialize or because events in many cases are out of your control. These can bring about feelings of uncertainty or, worse, a desperate feeling.
Some time ago, my colleagues and I needed to raise half a million ringgit for a new project. We put together our proposals, budgets and forecasts. We employed a financial organization to put us in touch with suitable lenders. Because the project was new and had no track record, we were continually turned down. It got to the stage where we were running past our dead- line. The whole of our business’s future depended on getting this next project under way. And then, when the final organization turned us down, I recalled a saying taught to me some years earlier: ‘In every adversity there is a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.’
So I started again and went out into the market-place myself. Suddenly, it seemed by a stroke of luck, I found a bank not only willing to invest in but also enthusiastic about our project. We were under way. It turned out that the terms of interest were better than we had been advised to expect and we had been able to achieve before, and our methods of repayment were better than we had hoped for. It worked out for the best in the end.
So whenever you are faced with a crisis or a worry situation, say to yourself, ‘How can I turn this to my advantage?’ You will be staggered how many times you can do just that. At the very least, you will learn by an experience. But in all honesty in most cases when applying this philosophy, you will turn that crisis back into your favour.