6 Effective Ways To Overcome Lost Sales | Sales Management

We all lose business. Some salespeople who lose a sale or a customer go into various irrational emotional reactions: they blame someone or everyone, make excuses, sulk, get angry, or run and hide. Successful salespeople understand the ebb and flow of business and relationships. If you have good sales skills, a good product or service, a positive attitude, and a good prospect—sooner or later you will sell them.
Here are a 6 effective ways to use when you do lose a sale:
Follow up with a thank-you note or letter.
Follow up with an after-sales critique or evaluation.
Follow up with additional sources or proof— testimonials, articles, etc.
Find out what your competitor did better than you to get the business.
Don’t assume it was price, even if that is what they tell you.
Don’t let it negatively affect your attitude. Keep at it.
This week’s lost business can be next month’s sale. This month’s lost customer can become next year’s home run. You will win some and you will lose some. You won’t win them all, and you won’t lose them all. Just remember: staying power over the long haul is much more beneficial than quick short-term success.
Turn It Around
Have a specific strategy for dealing with lost business.