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How To Get Organized - 16 Ways to Organize Your Task | Sales Management

How To Get Organized - 16 Ways to Organize Your Task | Sales Management

Clutter. Technology. Stuff. A full plate. Sales reports. Personal interests. Home life. Career. Relatives. Friends. Too little time. Too much to do. Meetings. The list goes on and on.

One of the things I have discovered about successful Sales Managers is their ability to handle a variety of tasks, problems, issues, responsibilities, and challenges at the same time. I am talking about personal management.

Below is a method for approaching personal management.

  1. Start with a plan of what you want to do.

  2. Prioritize your goals, objectives, tasks, projects, etc.

  3. Stay focused.

  4. Get rid of the clutter in your life.

  5. Concentrate on one thing at a time.

  6. Don’t stick with anything that you are not passionate about.

  7. Have routines for the regular tasks in your life.

  8. Get up earlier. Go to bed later.

  9. Organize your workspace so that you can be more productive.

  10. Learn to say no more often.

  11. Develop the habit of Doing It Now.

  12. Don’t make commitments you can’t keep.

  13. Respect and value your own time.

  14. Play when it is time to play, and work when it is time to work.

  15. Use technology as a tool, not a crutch.

  16. Throw away the stuff you don’t need, use, or want.

Turn It Around

Plan everything. Finish it. Then move on to the next thing.


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