Why Salespeople Need Good Vocabulary To Close More Sales | Sales Training Malaysia

The tools of the professional salesperson are words. We paint word pictures, we tell stories, we describe product or service features and benefits, we influence, we inspire, and we hope to convince people of the benefits of doing business with us. All of this requires a command of language. It amazes me how many sales- people have poor vocabularies. These people fail to realize that they are limiting their success, negatively impacting their destiny and lifestyle by not having the ability to use the right word at the right time in any communication situation.
The key is to have a good enough vocabulary to be able to communicate effectively with anyone, whether they have an outstanding vocabulary or a poor one. In both cases, we need to be able to use effective words that can be understood by our prospect or customer. The ability to articulate your feelings, attitudes, needs, skills, desires, and knowledge is one of the most important ingredients for success in sales and in life.
How is your vocabulary? Do you often find you overuse certain words because you lack the ability to use replacement words? Do you ever find yourself searching for just the right word for a particular situation? Is your vocabulary getting in the way of your future success? Do you tend to use—or overuse—profanity?
Here are a few ways to enlarge your vocabulary: crossword puzzles, Scrabble, magazines, or learning one new word a day (that’s three hundred sixty-five new words a year). In five years, imagine what kind of a vocabulary you could have with that technique. When someone uses a word you are unfamiliar with, ask what it means. Get a daily calendar that gives you a new word each day, or try an audiobook on vocabulary improvement.
Turn It Around
Know the power of words and how they contribute to success.