The Importance of Trust and Integrity For Sales Success | Sales Management & Leadership Skills

Integrity and trust go hand in hand as qualities for sales success. It is impossible to have one without the other. If you trust someone, it is most likely because they are trustworthy and they have solid ethics and integrity. If a person lacks either of the two, they generally will lack both.
It is the willingness and ability to do what is right— not what you or others think is right—and there is often a difference. Most people who have been brought up in the right surroundings know what is right, yet they hope they can get away with some- thing—anything—and that their words and actions will remain forever locked in their own minds.
The question we must ask ourselves when we consider doing what is wrong versus what is right is: can I handle getting caught? Is the price worth it? How will I react to getting caught? Wouldn’t it just be easier to deal in truth? All the time?
The answer is yes. So why do people misrepresent, lie, or tell little “innocent” fibs? I don’t know. We are all guilty—at least one time in our lives and most of us several times—of shading the truth for what we feel is a justifiable cause. Is this wrong? I am not a moralist. But I do believe that character and integrity are related.
Here are a few simple questions to ask the next time you are considering being anything less than truthful:
What will I lose and gain by dealing in untruth?
Who will this lack of truth impact other than me?
Is it easy for me to shade the truth, and do I do it often? Why?
If I deal only in the truth—all the time—what will that do for me?
Turn It Around
Always deal in the truth, no matter what.