The Importance of Having The Sales Right Attitude In Selling | Consultative Selling Skills

Salespeople may know all about their product, they may know all the sales skills from the beginning of time, they may know every closing technique ever dreamt up, but this does not mean they will be champions – because sales attitude alone is the vital ingredient that all the sales stars have totally in common.
So what is the right sales attitude? It is possibly best summed up as a deep-down, unshakeable conviction that you will win. It is having a truly positive sales attitude of mind. And a positive sales attitude of mind is again perhaps most easily defined as always looking for the best, and expecting to win. It is being optimistic. It’s being faced with any given situation and being able to look on the bright side, seeing what might lead to a positive result and not a negative one.
People have said to me, ‘You cannot teach a positive sales attitude of mind.’ This is ridiculous. You can teach anything. What I am sure is really being said to me is that people cannot learn to build a positive sales attitude of mind. They are saying that some are born with it and others are not. I find this completely unacceptable and ridiculous. We were all born positive, and yet get conditioned to be negative.
Our sales attitudes of mind are very much based on life’s experiences – our conditioning in childhood, the company we keep and the environment we work and play in. Individuals can change an sales attitude of mind if they want to, if they are given the greatest gift that any human being can give to another, and that is to teach the difference between the positive and the negative.
So how have the truly positive people, the winners, the stars and the champions, built their own positive sales attitude? It stems from learning the philosophies of success and principles upon which they base their actions and faults. In many cases these principles and philosophies have had to be adopted against all odds and against a great deal of past negative conditioning.