People Buy from People They Like And Trust | Sales Skills | Selling Skills

Has selling really changed all that much in the past fifty years? Those of you who have been selling for less than five years most likely will answer that question with a no. Those of you with battle scars going back into the ’80s, ’90s, and even the ’90s may answer with a resounding yes. Others of you just are not sure how much things have changed at all or can’t articulate it.
Some things have changed. Some have not. What has changed from my perspective of over forty-five years of selling and teaching sales? Here are a few:
People have better, quicker, and easier access to information about your products or services and those of your competitors.
People want you to help them make better- informed decisions.
There are now three major segments of prospects: millions of Baby Boomers, millions of retired folks, and millions of people under the age of thirty-five who have lots and lots of money.
There are fewer layers of management to go through to get to your decision-maker.
Technology is changing buying patterns and attitudes.
People will not tolerate poor quality or poor ser ice. They will do business with your competitor.
Your prospects have an increasing number of options, choices, and vendors from whom to purchase.
How about what hasn’t changed? People buy from people they trust.
Stop trying to get people to like you. Get them to trust you.
Turn It Around
Focus on establishing and building trust, not on being liked.