It’s Desire, Not Ability, That Determines Your Sales Success | Sales Motivation

Many people question their ability – ‘I can’t’, or ‘I am unable to’, ‘I haven’t had enough experience’, ‘I haven’t the right education’, ‘I didn’t go to the right schools’, or ‘I’m not the lucky sort.’ Some even go as far as to say, ‘I wasn’t born to the right parents’, ‘I wasn’t born under the right birth sign.’
Let me say to you, you can do anything you really want to. If you want to do something badly enough, whether you have the ability or not has nothing to do with it. What matters is how badly you want to do it.
We have all seen the example of young people leaving school without qualifications. They might be unemployed or they might take a temporary job. Suddenly they find a career they want to get into but need some qualifications. So they go back into a place of learning and retake the exams that previously they had failed dismally. But this time they pass. Why? Has their ability changed? No, of course not. But their desire has changed.
Now let me give you a simple example. I invite you to join a new company I have just created. We are going to go out and sell a new mobile SMART phone. The selling price will be RM1,000.00. For each one that you sell, you will get RM250.00 commission. Do you think you could sell 100 in the first three months?
Now, if you are thinking quite naturally, ‘No, I am not sure I could do that’, or even more emphatically, ‘No, I can’t do that’, let me try something else: ‘If you sell 100 of these mobile SMART phones during the next three months, I will give you RM100,000.00 but you cannot buy any yourself.’ What would you say now? Yes, positively, ‘Of course I can do that.’ But what has that got to do with your ability to sell mobile SMART phone?
What this simple example shows is that a change of attitude can bring about an outstanding change of result. One or two of you may have thought you would be smart and you would sell them all to a relation. If confronted with that sort of opportunity you can always find a short cut or a short and easy answer.
But I am quite certain you get the message I am really making here: every one of us has the ability to do better; every one of us can, if we really want to.
Positive thinking, like anything else, can be carried too far. It will not move mountains, but it will move the individual.
There are some people who might say, ‘I want to be a world record breaking 100-metre sprinter.’ If they haven’t got the basic physique or frame upon which to build the muscle, they are being unrealistic. If they are far too old, they are being unrealistic. If they fall into either of these two categories, I question whether they really, really want to be a world record beater in sprinting. However, in all reality there are some people who are born with sheer genius, so there is always an exception to the rule. Don’t ever base your income or your future on exceptions because there is an exception that will disprove the point.
Let me ask you these questions. How strong is your desire? How badly do you want to win? How determined are you to be a success in selling?