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How To Lead a Balance Life For Business Success | Sales Leadership Skills

One of the issues facing many business people today is the ability to maintain a sense of balance in their lives. Unfortunately, it is impossible to have total balance in your life. There are too many demands, issues, problems, needs, goals, and people to deal with. It is possible, however, to have enough balance to reduce the stress in your life while enjoying many of the gifts life has to offer.

Several areas that we need to balance are family, work, finances, friends, social relationships, spirituality, self-development, physical well-being, personal interests, career interests, and fun. At any given time, you can be way out of balance: for example, when you start a new business or career, when you have your first child, or when you are in a new relationship.

It is normal to devote more time and energy to these activities while ignoring some of the others. Problems arise when we stay out of balance in one area for a long period of time—say, working seven days a week for twenty-five years at the expense of your health, friends, and family.

What are some steps we can take if we are out of balance?

  1. Spend time deciding what is really important in your life in the short and long term.

  2. Share your goals, dreams, needs, and frustrations about being out of balance with the people who matter in your life.

  3. Learn to set better priorities.

  4. Say no more often.

  5. Determine where you are out of balance and ask yourself why.

  6. Spend time planning your days, weeks, months, and years.

  7. Get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later.

  8. Accept the fact that there are times in your life when you will be temporarily out of balance.

  9. Simplify your life.

Turn It Around

Live the balanced life you want to live.


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