How To Keep Your Passions Alive and Bring Excitement To Your Life? | Sales Motivation

Passion is the great equalizer. It can make up for a lack of experience and knowledge. I am not suggesting that you should not develop your knowledge or experience, however, because they will only enhance and further empower your passion—your strong belief in yourself, your mission, and your purpose.
Passion is different than enthusiasm. The cliché says, “Act enthusiastic and you will become enthusiastic.” I have never subscribed to this philosophy. Why? Because if enthusiasm is an act that you use when things are going well, how do you behave when your life is falling apart? Are you just as enthusiastic about failure, about more problems than you deserve, and any number of disappointments, frustrations, and adversities?
Passion is not an act. It is a way of believing. It is woven into your cellular structure just as much as your DNA. Passion—real passion—for who you are, who you are becoming, where you are and where you are going, and what you believe in, stand for, and would die for shouts to the world, “I am here to stay, I am here to make a difference, I will leave my mark in this world. It may take me my entire life, but I will not give up until my purpose and destiny are realized.”
Who do you know that is passionate about something? You can see it in their eyes, hear it in their voice, and sense it in their behavior. How are you doing? Are you in love with where you are, where you are going, who you are becoming, and what you are contributing? Or are you living like over 85 percent of the population with the attitude: “Same stuff, different day”?
If you have lost or are losing your passion for your sales career, do whatever is necessary to get it back.
Turn It Around
Keep the passion alive in your sales career and life.