How To Demonstrate Capabilities with Passion in Sales | Professional Sales Training In Malaysia

When demonstrating your firm’s capabilities, it is important to feel and demonstrate the passion you feel about delivering services. For instance, in a survey performed by Huthwaite a few years ago, clients of accounting firms indicated that while the candor and competence of their professional was high, less than 35% thought their accountant really cared about them. When you are passionate, clients believe that you care.
Are you passionate about delivering technically correct documents, or are you passionate about helping clients make better business decisions, develop win-win relationships with their customers, obtain financing, and use their core competencies? If you are passionate about delivering products, then your branding and strategic positioning will take one approach. However, if you are passionate about helping, your message will be completely different.
When You Sell Relationships
Let’s take a common example: You have decided that your best clients want relationships that are not built on price or upon you having the latest “doodad” connected with your technical services. A relationship means that the clients want you to become an expert in their businesses, help create custom solutions to their problems, and serve as a valuable extension of their decision-making team. You need to be passionate about what your best clients want year round. Or are you too busy doing technical work much of the year?
If you are going to develop a successful capabilities demonstration, you must connect what your best clients want with what you provide, with passion.
Even commodities can be demonstrated with passion when you connect with an interested customer. One of the hottest selling and most profitable items is bottled water, a commodity that is available almost for free. So don’t tell me, “Our products have become such commodities, we can’t demonstrate with passion.” If you are serving a passionate client base with a passionate service team, you can demonstrate with passion. And passion is contagious—your clients will be passionate about you, too.