6 Reasons For Not Quitting | Never Give Up | Sales Motivation

You would be amazed at how many people quit just before they are about to achieve the sales success they have been working toward. They just get tired of waiting, trying, or dreaming, and they give up. Why is this?
I believe it is for one of six reasons:
They really didn’t want what they were going after in the first place.
They thought it would be easier.
They thought it would come sooner rather than later.
They lost belief in themselves or their mission or cause.
They let someone else discourage them or talk them out of wanting it.
They failed to realize that anything worthwhile takes time, faith, patience—and yes, action.
Is there an area in your life today where you are wavering? Thinking about giving up? I have been there. I know what it feels like to want to quit. But in the end, I realized I didn’t really want to quit. I was just feeling sorry for myself. Not a pretty picture.
No one can determine another person’s limits of endurance or courage. No one can judge what another person is willing or not willing to do. Never let anyone talk you out of your dream, no matter how well meaning they might appear.
Go for it. Keep at it. Just do it and enjoy the process. Don’t expect that there will always be a crowd cheering you on. Much of success is enjoyed in quiet solitude, one moment at a time.
Turn It Around
Never give up. Never. No matter how hard it gets.