How To Build Relationship With Customers | Building Relationship Skills | Sales Training Asia

Crafting a message that will appeal to your best prospects’ emotional interests will stimulate interest in your services. Every day, prospects are bombarded by sales messages. A strong emotional message will help you attract good prospects to your company.
How do you craft such a message? Most clients want a relationship of trust with their accountant, consultant, or attorney. Some of the research explained that you can’t be all things to all people. You must first understand what your best customers value. Do your clients engage you because you are the lowest priced? Because you have the best technical skills or software? Or do your clients most value the relationship with you because you solve their problems? For many professional firms, the last question is the appropriate one.
If you perform traditional research, you might learn that your clients want fast, accurate, reasonably priced work. But it is important to dig below the surface to learn what clients want that is different, better, or special.
Start the Relationship with a Promise
Once you have a good message in place, then find a way to make a promise and keep it. For example, you should have about 20 articles, newsletters, or brochures that address the common issues that interest your best clients. Then when you meet a solid qualified prospect, offer to send one of the articles relevant to the concerns of the person you have just met. By keeping your promise, you now have the basis for a solid tele- phone follow-up. During the telephone follow-up call, make an- other promise and keep it.
What if the prospect doesn’t say, “Come on over and let’s talk”? What if your offers are rebuked? Then you must develop a better offer. Too many professionals are rebuffed when they offer to meet with the prospect for a free hour. It is not the job of the prospect to give you his time. It is your job to make such an irresistible offer that he wants it.
One of the keys to successful selling is to market to people who desire communication. So invest some time to craft your message and create your offers. Make the good prospects offers they can’t refuse.