8 Ways to Build Your Company | Power Of Sales & Marketing Skills | Sales Training Malaysia

Is this going to be your year for turning on the power of marketing and sales in your business? If your answer is yes, here are eight keys to success:
1. Focus on the Client’s Profits, Not Your Own
There is a limited demand for routine tax return preparation services or will preparation, but there is unlimited de- mand for professionals who help clients improve profits!
2. Don’t Hibernate During Compliance Season
Clients are never more interested in help with their business than when confronted with last year’s financial results or with their tax liability. Plan now for cross-selling to each client you meet with during this filing season. Augment the effort with pre-prepared press releases, articles and mailings.
3. Build Relationships with Your Clients’ Team Members
This year, plan to meet with your top 10 clients’ other professionals. These people are the movers and shakers in your community. By creating a team working for your client, you will also have created a referral team that works for you.
4. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition, and Quit Talking about Fees
When meeting with prospects, focus on the value you can offer, and on what makes you different from your competitors. Fee terms should almost be an afterthought.
5. Learn to Ask Better Questions
Knowing how to ask good questions is the foundation of being an effective advisor. Through questioning, you learn what you need to know to help your clients.
6. Help Clients Prepare for the Future
Clients are more interested in today and tomorrow than they are in yesterday. Help your clients use your services as a foundation for making better judgments and business decisions.
7. Prepare a Services Matrix
Prepare a matrix of your largest clients and services used. Probably 5% of your clients (including families and con- trolled groups) make up over 50% of your revenue. Use the matrix to determine your best opportunities.
8. Always Give More Than You Promise
Always exceed your client expectations by 1% and you will have a continuous flow of delighted clients. Sometimes, under pressure, you may promise delivery of a report be- fore it can realistically be done. Learn to manage expectations by promising the outside date, not the earliest. Then deliver earlier.