Best Up Selling Sales Training Program Malaysia | Sales Management Training | How To Do Up-Selling A

What is Up-selling?
Up-Selling is what you do when you increase the value of the sales transaction at the point at which your customer has made a decision to buy. If this takes place at the point of sale it is often known as a ‘bump’. The amount the customer spends is literally bumped up by offering something bigger and of greater value. A good example of a bump can be experienced at any McDonald’s or Burger King when you are offered a meal deal or a bigger version of what you have originally ordered.
Additional complementary products
Up-Selling can simply be offering additional and complementary products at the point of sale. Shoe shops do this when they offer the special shoe cleaners that are required for the shoes you have bought. Some car service garages do it by offering care car products. Hair salons often offer the products that have been used to create the condition and style you are happy with at the end of your appointment. Beauty salons and health spas up sell by offering you the products that have been used by the therapists during your session. Travel companies up sell when they offer holiday insurance and car hire once you have bought a holiday or a flight.
Up-Selling can also be introduced during the sales process by offering an upgrade on the particular model or make a customer is interested in. Many electrical retail outlets do this well. If you do this, selling the added value of the upgrade will be important.
Up-Selling can also be achieved by packaging your products creatively.
Why Up-selling is important?
Up-Selling is important because it potentially offers you easy access to a big pot of gold. It is so much more costly both in time and resources continually to strive to attract new customers than it is to sell more to a customer who is standing right in front of you.
Your challenge
Your challenge will be to find ways to up sell and sell more to your customers that adds perceived value. Any ‘up sell’ must come across as offering more value, not simply asking for more money. Your staff will need to be aware of all the opportunities to sell more and know enough about the products to make up sell suggestions. Sales people should all be given ‘bump up’ suggestions to make at the point of sale and your challenge will be to make sure that they always make those suggestions.
Some people avoid up selling because they don’t want to appear pushy or money-grabbing. This is only an attitude of mind. Up selling can be done pleasantly with a positive attitude and a belief that by offering it you are giving your customer the opportunity to gain maximum value. Communicated in this way the customer is more likely to respond positively.
Make a list of all the possible bump ups’ you could make with your products and services.
Create a number of questions that your point of sale staff could ask that would prompt the ‘bump ups’.
Make a list of all the products and services that naturally link together and could be sold together as package.
Decide which products and services have a natural upgrade.
Try some of these up sell activities for a period of time and measure the results.
Implement these up selling suggestions as soon as you can. This is one of the easiest ways to increase your sales results.