Sales & Marketing Training Malaysia | Sales Training Strategy | How To Create Your Own Email Mar

What is email marketing?
Almost everyone uses email to communicate these days. Most households have a home computer and an email address even if they are not in business. Many people open their emails before they open their post.
Email marketing is what you do when you use the email system we are all familiar with to promote your business to your customers. This may take the form of a simple straightforward email or email newsletter. There are several very good services on the market today that enable you to build email lists easily through website marketing activities and communicate via bulk email as often as you want or need to.
Email marketing can be used for appointment reminders, special offers, useful information or ideas, new product launches, new services, competitions and more.
Why is email marketing valuable?
Email marketing is an excellent low cost way of keeping in regular contact with both existing and potential customers. The people you come into contact with during the course of your marketing and networking activities may not all be ready to do business with you right now. If, however, you give them a very good reason to provide you with their email address and permission to keep in touch, the chances of you being around when they are ready to buy are much higher.
Email marketing is easy and quick to do and you can potentially communicate with large numbers of people in a very personal way. Email marketing is potentially much more valuable to you than a costly direct mail campaign.
Your challenge
You will need to consider the amount of spam that the majority of people get bothered by on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming for many people. Your email needs to be something that people welcome. You will need to think very carefully about what you use it for. Email marketing may be quick but it is not something that should be put together in a hurry. You will need to create a situation where people look forward to your email because they think that they are going to get something of value from it. You also need to be careful not to overdo it. Sending emails every day or even every week can be just too much for many people. You will need to gauge what is right for your client base and be sensitive to their needs.
When you use email marketing your email address is a major part of your marketing message, so it is important to get this right. It will need to be easy to use and easy to remember. If it is long-winded with lots of letters and words that are difficult to spell the chances are that you will lose some business because of it. Your email should read in a way which helps you come across as credible business.
So choose email addresses that make it completely clear what business you are in and make them as easy and as straight-forward as you can to use.
What makes email marketing work?
To make this work you will need to build a good list of prospects first.
Do you think that email marketing could work for you?
How are you going to attract email addresses and get permission to communicate?
You will need to investigate the internet based email marketing systems that are available. You may consider auto response systems that can be set up to run sequences of emails.
Make sure you have a system for recording the email addresses that you collect. A spreadsheet is a simple way of doing this. This can be uploaded into your email contact database or any online system that you use.
You will need to create your email campaign ideas and decide how you can keep your prospects interested in you and your business. Remember to focus on giving something of value, as opposed to solely pitching your services.
Make sure that you get your emails proof-read. Sending out bulk emails with spelling or grammatical errors is not good for your professional image.
Send out a test email to yourself and another person and look at it from the customers’ point of view before you press the button on the complete database.
Consider how you will measure and monitor the response you get.
Email marketing can work very well for you if you take time to set up a system to attract and deliver efficiently. If you have experienced junk mail you will know what annoys you and clogs up the inbox. You must avoid doing this at all costs. If you use email marketing it must be targeted and valuable. Concentrate on this and you will be successful.