Sales & Marketing Training Program | Sales Training & Marketing Program| How To Publish Case

What is a case study?
A case study is a description of a piece of business you have carried out for one of your customers. It is a success story that acts as a working example of how the work you have undertaken has yielded practical and positive results.
Why is getting them published of value?
Case studies are powerful because they speak about real results. Getting case studies published can help both you and your clients. You can help to build your clients’ profile as well as offering an added bonus for doing business with you. Business people in similar situations with similar desires can be motivated to take action by reading case studies. Case studies make ideas real, tangible and believable.
Your challenge
Your challenge will be in researching opportunities to get your case studies published ensuring that you get your clients’ buy-in to the idea. You may need to enlist your clients’ help in writing the case study content.
What are the key elements of a publishable case study?
It must have a strong reader interest.
It is constructed in a way that is easy for others to relate to.
It is topical and fits in with the publication’s/website’s agenda.
It is well written.
There are some obvious learning points contained within the study.
Case studies can be integrated into reader interest articles and used as live examples to illustrate the ideas presented. A good example would be an article that I wrote for a number of publications called ‘How to create a memorable brand identity’ where we used a number of our clients’ re-branding projects to illustrate the points.
The simple structure of a case study article
Introduction – brief introduction to the client’s history and current situation.
Description of the main problems they were experiencing.
Their aspirations for the future.
Brief description of the proposed solution.
What you did – the steps you took when working with the client.
The results.
What case studies do you have currently that would be worth publishing?
What context could you create that would gain reader interest?
How could your clients help?
Where would you like to get them published?
Who do you need to contact? - research relevant publications and find out.
What contacts do you have that could help you?
Consider the opportunities that exist for case studies. You can publish them on your own website, other business-related websites that are looking for reader interest information and as part of articles that you write for business publications or magazines. The local press might also be interested if your case study relates to a local business issue.