Sales Prospecting Training | The Importance of Follow-Up Sales Call

Follow-up gives salespeople a way to differentiate themselves that is completely within their control. Follow-up is one of the easiest ways to create credibility and trust with a customer: a promise made is a promise kept—on time. Follow-up is needed before the sale, during the sale, after the sale, and even when no deal is on the table.
Many salespeople are average at best at following up. But flawless follow-up can help set you apart. It takes commitment, awareness, and an effective daily to-do system. Write down whatever you commit to on a daily to-do and check the list at the start and end of each day. Be fanatical about this. If it is June 2 and you commit to something for June 29, note that on June 29 and also in mid-June as a reminder. When you get a call from a customer or colleague, call back ASAP, even if it is only to set a time for the full call. Don’t let more than 12 hours elapse without a response. Be more responsive than your competitors and/or your own colleagues. Check your e-mail, chat mail, SMS every one hours and update it as necessary.
Most important, follow up when promised—ahead of time is even better. Keep customers posted. If something will be late, call the customer before he or she calls you. Alert customers to delays, apologize, and tell specifically what you will do and what the next step will be. Show concern and a sense of urgency. Better yet, don’t be late. Keep your commitments! Ask the customer early on what he or she expects, to clarify and help you meet expectations.
Following a sales call, get an e-mail out quickly to all decision makers. Tailor it to the needs and questions of the customers. Use voice mail to concisely update or recap next steps and maintain contact. Use letters as appropriate as covers for proposals, etc.
When a decision is being made, stay close to the customer through phone calls, e-mails, chat mails, SMS and, when appropriate, face to face throughout the decision period. If a deal is pending and you are away, make sure your office can reach you ASAP or is prepared to handle the call on your behalf. Call and e-mail your customers, maintain close contact, and find reasons to stay close during the decision process.
To help you manage all relationships, put active and non-active customers on an appropriate relationship follow-up schedule to avoid the “out of sight out of mind” syndrome. Follow up with customers after meetings, after important events, before and after implementation, and on special occasions (such as to wish them a happy holiday).
Follow up internally to post your colleagues, thank them, and also make sure no one has dropped the ball. Double-check with the customer to gauge satisfaction. Leverage your team (specialists, seniors, assistants).
Ban the words “Let me know …” and “Call me,” from your follow- up language. It is up to you to call your customers and to set specific next steps at the end of each contact.
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