Professional Selling Skills Training | How to Sharpen Your Critical Sales Skills

We all know that sales is tough job. Even though there so many sales professionals in the market place, statistics shows that only 20% will actually deliver ROI while 50% will miss quota. In fact, only a handle of sales people actually have what it takes to make it grow and to be assets to their companies, and to constantly achieve their sales targets.
Top sales performers often say that their sales dialogues feel more like brainstorming with their customers than “selling.” These are the six critical selling skills that are fundamental to making their dialogues so fluid and productive:
Presence - communicating energy, conviction, and interest when speaking and listening to the customers.
Relating - building rapport and relationship, using acknowledgment, and expressing empathy to connect with customers
Questioning - creating a logical questioning strategy and effectively using probing skills to uncover needs
Listening - understanding what the customer communicates in words, tone, emotions and body language
Positioning - persuasively demonstrating value and application to the customer by customizing your product knowledge to the needs of the customer
Checking - bring forth feedback on what you have said to gauge customer understanding and agreement
These sales skills are the tools of selling. The sharper the selling skills, the more effective the salesperson. A weakness in any one of the sales skills puts a cap on effectiveness. For example, if the salesperson can’t establish rapport with the customer, it is unlikely the customer will open up in answering questions. If the salesperson is a poor listener, answers lose their value. And without an understanding of customer needs it’s almost impossible to connect capabilities to customer needs.
Dialogue selling requires product knowledge and technical expertise, but equal to these is customer knowledge and skill. In dialogue selling, the salesperson becomes a resource person who, because he or she fully understands that particular customer’s specific needs, can meet the needs that relate to his or her product and also cross-sell and meet the customer’s broader spectrum of needs. To succeed in dialogue selling, you must master the six critical selling skills.
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