Sales and Marketing Training | Always Answer a Question with a Question

How do you respond when a customer makes a comment, asks a question, or objects?
Most salespeople respond with an answer—but there are alternatives.
When a customer tells you something, don’t immediately respond with an answer. Instead of being the answer man or answer woman, acknowledge the comment and, when appropriate, find out more by asking a “Why?” question. Take a moment to show your thoughtful consideration.
Consider this simple situation. The customer asks, “Does this come in a more neutral color?” The average salesperson is likely to respond with an answer.
“Yes. It comes in ….” (product before need)
“No. Only one color ….” (giving up before needs are identified)
“But it’s the latest color.” (contradiction)
“Oh, so what you are saying is you don’t like the color?” (reflective listening)
“If I can get it in … color, then will you buy it?” (“if/then” technique that moves to the close before the needs or obstacles are understood)
“Well, the quality is ….” or “What do you think of the fabric?” (changing the platform)
“Oh, is the color too bright?” (interpretation, translation, assumption/putting words in the customer’s mouth)
Most customers feel it is very neutral.” (discounting the objection)
“Some of my other customers feel the same way.” (reinforcing the objection)
“Well, I’m not sure if you’d like a darker color, but we also offer....”(telling vs. checking)
In each response, the salesperson is trying to persuade or evade. But without connecting (acknowledgment) and getting more information (question), the responses are defensive and/or self-centred vs. customer-centred. By using acknowledgment and a question, the salesperson could have connected, learned more, and been more persuasive.
For example:
The tendency to answer is deeply entrenched in most salespeople. The customer who asks, “Why does it take two months? That seems so long,” may be satisfied with “Because we tailor the packaging.” However, you can be the salesperson who connects better and closes more sales by saying, “Two months can seem long. May I ask what your concern is about the two-month delivery?” Even if the two months cannot be adjusted, your sales talk is customer-centred and shows a willingness to meet the needs of the customer.