Sales Prospecting Training | Pre-approach Sales Helps Us Qualify Prospects

Not all prospects are alike. That’s another reason why we need pre-approach sales. In this part of the sales process, we can determine which opportunities have the highest probability for success. That way, we won’t spend hours of our valuable time trying to interest so called prospects who aren’t really prospects at all. In turn, we save time for our prospects, too. If they aren’t qualified, we won’t take up their valuable time trying to interest them in products and services they don’t need.
What exactly is a qualified prospect? Someone who has a clearly defined need and the capacity with which to fill in. In other words, he or should would make a good customer for our company. It’s important to understand this definition, because not everyone who needs our products is a qualified prospect.
For example, a company might want to do business with us. But if it has a bad credit history or lacks the revenue to support the investment, we may not want to do business with it.
For most of us, qualifying prospects can be a challenge. While there are no absolute characteristics for qualifying prospects.